Seniors plus
The Seniors Plus program provides activities and socializing opportunities for Seniors.
Clothing & Household iTEMS
Provides low to no-cost clothing and household supply options for area families in need.
Energy Assistance
Connects clients with energy assistance programs.
School supplies
Provides school supplies to area children and families in need.
Exercise & Nutrition clASSES
Offers Strong Bodies, a program specifically designed to prevent falls in senior citizens.
Budgeting cLASSES
Offers periodic classes through Educators Credit Union to help with building a budget and managing finances.
Our Supporters
Backpack Coalition of Waukesha County, Inc.
“Struggling families will really appreciate this new building with the co-located agencies. Working families and seniors will no longer have to take time from work and make complicated transportation arrangements to receive needed services that help them and their children. It is really wonderful that the Mukwonago community can now help their neighbor right here at home.”
– Ruth Jones, Backpack Coalition Interim President, Christmas Clearing House Executive Director
Aging and Disability Resource Center
“ADRC is excited about having a satellite office and the possibility of relocating the dining center to the Mukwonago Food Pantry Resource Center. Thank you so much for continuing to be so supportive of the seniors in the Mukwonago area! We do so appreciate your seniors in the Mukwonago area! We do so appreciate your dedication and commitment to making lives better for people in the area.”
– Mary Check Smith, MS CD, Nutrition and Aging Services Supervisor ADRC
Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin, Inc. (CAC)
CAC suppored the creation of the Mukwonago Food Pantry Resource Center location and utilizes space within the organization as needed. CAC believes the creation of this center would not only greatly increase the capacity of all social service agencies that serve Mukwonago residents, but would also support more seamless collaborative relationships to provide vital services to Mukwonago’s low-income population.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) offers supportive case management and temporary financial assistance for low-income veteran households that are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.​​
Emergency assistance is provided when available for households with income at or below 125% of the federal poverty level ($14,362 for​ a single person, $29,412 for a family of three).
For more information, contact CAC at (920)262-9667 or (262)354-4017 or www.cacscw.org.
Hunger Task Force
“Hunger Task Force is proud to include the Mukwonago Food Pantry Resource Center in our network of Milwaukee area pantries. Trusted pantries are what keep the food safety net secure and having worked with the good people in Mukwonago for as long as we have, we know they’re one of the good ones.”
-Sherrie Tussler, Executive Director of Hunger Task Force
Energy Services, Inc.
“Heat, a basic necessity, has become an unaffordable necessity for limited income households struggling to keep their heat and power on. With many choosing between eating and heating, Mukwonago Food Pantry provides and invaluable and accessible facility to assist those most in need. Energy Services for Waukesha County remains committed to expanding its presence and provide the highest quality of services possible there onsite at the Mukwonago Food Pantry Resource Center.”
– Timothy Bruer,Executive Director, Energy Services, Inc.
​2017-2018 Energy Services Application Checklist
Waukesha County Nutrition Coalition - UW Extension
Mission statement: Through collaboration, cooperation and information sharing, the Waukesha County Nutrition Coalition works to prevent hunger and food insecurity, provide information and education on nutrition issues, and promotes social policies that achieve food security while honoring the dignity of those we serve.